
Oakendale Farm / Harwinton, CT / November 17-20, 2022

Oakendale Farm  -  November 17-20, 2022

485 Plymouth Road, Harwinton, CT 06791

to host

Leslie Desmond for a rare opportunity to learn

how she gets the results she does.

Come watch,  listen and learn how to apply your best feel and release the horse to the maneuvers you want light, willing and available!


Demonstration /  Thursday night from 6:00-8:30 PM  (3 horses)

Group Ground School /  Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM   (6 horses)

Group Mounted Class  / Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM  (6 horses)

Private Instruction  / Sunday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 

Lunch Break Friday-Saturday 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Lunch Break Sunday 12:30 - 1:300 PM




November 17-20, 2022

Adult Spectator Fees:  $45 per day walk-ins


Save $35 on a PRE-PAID 4-day discount spectator package

November 17-20  (Thursday night - Sunday)


Scroll down to get tickets!

You will be amazed, and have fun, and leave with tools you can

start using successfully the very next day.

 Sound horses, mules and ponies of all breeds are welcome! 

Intermediate - Advanced riders, coaches and trainers from all disciplines are welcome to participate.  

 Make the most of this chance to learn "feel & release"  from Leslie Desmond, co-author with master horseman, Bill Dorrance (1906-1999) from Salinas, California.


Leslie will have signed copies of  their book, "True Horsemanship Through Feel" available during the event.


Leslie's  signature right-tied halters (Yearling, small, medium, warmblood and draft)  and

True Blue leads (12-ft, 15-ft, 18-ft) and lunge line (25-ft)

that carry a top quality feel from your mind right down to the horse's feet will also be available for purchase.


Have you heard?


10-CD (102 tracks) Audio book "Horse Handling & Riding Through Feel" --  by now a classic listening / learning experience for horse lovers who are tired of struggling with their horses and correcting them constantly.


Have you seen? 

3-volume DVD series, "American Horsemanship for Young & Old". 


This is a philosophy, a treasured set of techniques, and a wonderful way to approach a horse.

  The reason your horse understands "feel & release" is because it is the horse's language!  Leslie will demonstrate and explain the techniques so you can start experimenting and practicing with your horse using these tools when you get home.

As your capacity to accurately interpret your horse's behaviours and movements increases, your partnership will develop another dimension. In time, your intent and the shared reality will be the same experience, and a seamless sense of "oneness" with your horse will feel quite normal. 

Put "feel & release" to work for you, and beghin with a spectator pass so you can see with your own eyes, exactly what it's all about.



Thursday, November 17  6:00 - 8:30 PM

Friday, November 18  Morning Session 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM  LUNCH 12:30 - 2:00 PM  Afternoon Session 2:00 -  5:00 PM

Sunday Morning Private Coaching

8:00 - 9:30  1st Horse

9:30 - 11:00  2nd Horse

11:00 - 12:30  3rd Horse

12:30 - 1:30   LUNCH

1:30 - 3:00  4th Horse

3:00 - 4:30  5th Horse

4:30 - 6:00  6th Horse


Leslie co-authored the classic horse training manual, 'True Horsemanship Through Feel' with horseman and rancher, Bill Dorrance of Salinas, CA (1906 - 1999). Leslie will demonstrate and explain how to release your horse to any maneuver using Feel & Release Techniques that were shown and taught to Leslie during her 4-year apprenticeship Bill Dorrance.

(Note to Juniors! Leslie welcomes kids, teens and young adults 16 and under to attend her US clinics at no charge.)

The "feel and release" approach to preparing a light, reliable and happy horse on the ground, and under saddle, does not require special equipment to obtain a range of unusually impressive results -- results not acheievd using most popular methods. Come and see for yourself!  Leslie has adapted Bill Dorrance's approach to handling and riding hroses in a program that enhances work with all breeds and riding styles.

 Come and learn how Leslie achieves this with her students! You can bring these simple lessons to your horse and start enjoying a happier and better-balanced horse the very next day. Does this sound useful? Exciting? It is both!

In a few hourse this easy-to-understand (and follow!) set of exercises will be yours to experiment and practice with, and for you and your horse to genuinely enjoy!


Thursday, November 17 DEMO 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Auditor Pre-pay / $45.00 


Friday, November 18 Keep them Light on their Feet!

Feel-Release based Handling & Training

Auditor Pre-pay / $45.00 


SATURDAY, November 19, 2022 

Auditor Pre-pay / $45.00 


Save $35 with your 4-Day Spectator Pass  

November 17-20, 2022 Auditor Pre-pay / $145.00 



Please check with OAKENDALE FARM

owner/manager Alison McAllum




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Thursday, Nov. 17th  6:00- 8:30 PM

Demonstration  with Q & A   

Dont miss this rare chance to watch Leslie handle 3 horses with a feel & release based approach that is bound to inspire you to develop these simple skills ....for your own hands, and forever!


Once you see this, you will want to do it, too.  your horses will become lighter, happier and more willing to try new things, and improve at the things you have already shown them how to do.

Once you learn it? You cannot easily forget or unlearn it!


Friday, November 18   with Horses on the Ground   / Questions welcome.

Saturday, November 19   with Horses under Saddle / Questions welcome

Sunday,  November 20  Private Coaching  / auditors are welcome / Questions end of each class, only.





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Private and small group instruction for intermediate riders, amateur owners and trainers.

Horse training and re-starting services, with video record.

Auditors are ALWAYS welcome.

December 1, 2022 - May 15, 2023




Flexible rates and terms.

Call or write for details, and a rate that fits your particular situation. 

Other services offered:

Online Coaching, Video Review and Pre-purchase Consultations

Hoof care services. Dental evaluations and referrals.

Is your horse sore, chronically grumpy and out of sorts, shut down, lame, "cold-backed",

spooky or too high strung to manage easily? 

I specialize in getting to the bottom of the matter, and helping horses with these and other symptoms of distress and anxiety "come back" to a better place. From there I can train you to help your horse remain sound and willing so the reliable partnership you both deserve is possible.  If i am unable to help, I wall say so, and refer you to one or more other horse-loving helpers who can. 

Custom coordination of rehabilitation solutions for your horse -- 

the nationwide referrral service.

Thank you!