
July 16 - 19, 2021 / Demo & 4-Day Clinic -- Gilroy, CA

Leslie Desmond


4-day intensive course in Gilroy, CA



July 16 - 19, 2021


Friday through Monday


10357 Duke Drive  / Gilroy, CA


   Daily Demonstrations


& PRIVATE COACHING  with 5 horses



Owners, students, riding instructors, horse trainers, farriers, veterinarians

and vet techs will gain new horse-handling skills that lead to greater confidence

when handling horses that have previously been considered a challenge.


Learn how you can make a smooth transition to a





to safely and enjoyably share physical space with horses that you ....


lease, own, train and ride,

locate, help and heal,

save and share with others,

breed, buy, show, sell,

love and care for.


Private 90-minute Training Sessions 




9:00 AM - 10:30 AM   Peaches - Young Paint Mare


10:30 - 11:15  Theo  Young Paint Gelding, Part 1


11:15 - 12:45  Sebastian  Young Lusitano  Gelding


12:45 - 2:15  LUNCH


2:15 - 3:45  Bennet the Pony Gelding


3:45 - 5:15  Zoe the Dutch Warmblood Mare


5:15 - 6:00 Theo the Paint Gelding, Part 2



After this experience you will know more about the SIGNS and the SUBTELTIES

a HORSE provides to HELP YOU improve your timing, your feel and presentation

of intent to the horse.


Adult Spectators $45 a day!  

{nicepaypal:cart_noview|45.00|Adult Day Pass|0716192021} 

 {nicepaypal:cart_noview|225.00|Rider Balance Due 3-Day Horse & Rider|0513-162021}


Adult 4-day ticket  $165!  

{nicepaypal:cart_noview|165.00|Adult Day Pass|0716192021}



Young Riders (13 - 18) Spectators $25 a day!  




$75 4-day Young Trainer pass (Save $25)



Young Riders 12 and under are welcome at no charge!




Please leave dogs at home . . .  Bring lunch & a chair!




Links to help you prepare for an education in

Feel & Release approach to handlng and riding horses. 


 Social media conversations about Bill Dorrance (1906-1999) and

"True Horsemanship Through Feel", the book that he co-authored with Leslie Desmond.


The following social media links can lead you explanations, videos, and public discussions about the theories that Leslie

learned while she served as apprentice and scribe furing her apprentice from 1995-1999. 


1. https://www.facebook.com/TrueHorsemanshipThroughFeelbyDorranceandDesmond

2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/feelofahorse?modal=false&should_open_composer=false&hoisted_section_header_type=notifications



Here, you can subscribe for $20 monthly and have full access to the

10-CD audio book [102 tracks], discussion forum and all video content.


At the link above, you are able to purchase a copy of

"True Horsemanship Through Feel",


"Horse Handling & Riding Through Feel" 10-CD Audio Book (102 tracks),


in 12, 18 and 25 ft lengths, and the TIED RIGHT halters


that ...yessss...tie on the right so that YOU and 

your horse can develop in a more balanced way.

These are currently available in solid colors, stripes, and a

variety of blended earth tones and brighter colors. 

Draft, Warmblood, Medium, Small and Yearling sizes in stock. 

Please leave your cell phones on vibrate during the clinic, 

and take conversations to a remote location.

No photos or videos, please. 



Bring a chair, sunscreen, lunch and your beverages.

We love dogs, but please remember to leave yours at home . . . 

 Thanks a million!


Contact: Romy Celli


510-504-6829 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Leslie Desmond  603-406-4112  / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
